Resumo de Inglês
Pronomes pessoais
Falando de pessoas e coisas
Sujeito, objeto e reflexivos
Antes do Verbo Sujeito | Depois do verbo | Ênfase ou reflexivo |
I | Me | Myself |
You | You | Yourself |
He | Him | Himself |
She | Her | Herself |
It | It | Itself |
You | You | Yourselves |
We | Us | Ourselves |
They | Them | Themselves |
Pronomes Possessivos
Exprimindo o conceito de posse
Associado a um substantivo | Evitando a repetição de um substantivo já mencionado |
My girl | Mine |
Your problem | Yours |
His mother | His |
Her teacher | Hers |
Its color | Its |
Our school | Ours |
Your system | Yours |
Their opinion | Theirs |
Caso genitivo
Exprimindo o conceito de posse
Apóstrofe (‘) ou apóstrofe + s (‘s)
Regra | Uso | Exemplo |
Substantivo singular terminado em S | ‘s | The princess’s dress |
Substantivo plural irregular | ‘s | The children’s toys |
Substantivo ou nome próprio | ‘s | John and Mary’s house |
Mesma coisa possuída por duas pessoas | ‘s | John’s and Mary’s families |
Substantivo plural em S | ‘ | The boys’ school |
Regra | Processo | Exemplo |
Palavras terminadas em sh, ch, s, x, z | Plural ou 3ª pessoa do singular dos verbos em ES | Watches Washes Fixes Dresses Buzzes |
Regra | Processo | Exemplo |
As 13 palavras em f ou fe | VES | Knife = Knives Life = Lives Wife = wives Wolf = wolves |
Lista: Calf, Elf, Half, Leaf, Loaf, Self, Sheaf, Shelf, Thief |
Substantivos irregulares | Plural geralmente em E | Tradução |
Man | Men | Homem |
Woman | Women | Mulher |
Foot | Feet | Pé |
Tooth | Teeth | Dente |
Goose | Geese | Ganso |
Child | Children | Criança |
Quantitativos e intensificadores
Exprimindo quantidades contáveis e incontáveis e intensificando relações
Português | Inglês | Regra |
Muitos Poucos Alguns Menos Mais | Many Few A few Fewer More | Substantivos Contáveis No plural |
Muito Pouco Algum Menos Mais | Much Little A little Less More | Substantivos Incontáveis No singular |
Many Much = A lot of, Lots of, plenty of | Very – adjetivos = Very good - Advérbios = Very well |
Definindo ou indefinindo as coisas
Uso | Exemplo |
Sentido Particular | The world is changing |
Acidentes geográficos | The Pacific Ocean |
Superlativos | The most interesting sight in Brasil |
Numerais Ordinais | Today is May the 10th |
Países compostos | The United States |
Não - Uso | Exemplo |
Sentido Geral | Silenceis gold |
Nomes próprios | Tony is my friend |
Possessivos | My Girl-friend lives here |
A (n)
Uso | Exemplo |
Substantivo singular indefinido concreto | A house, a man, a teacher, a horse Na egg, na hour, na honest deputy |
Não - Uso | Exemplo |
Plural Substantivos incontáveis | Houses for sale Money is not all |
Comparativos e superlativos
Estabelecendo comparações
Comparativo Envolve sempre 2 pólos | ||
Inferioridade | Menos... que Less... than | You are less tall than I. |
Igualdade | Tanto... quanto | You’re as tall as I |
Superioridade | Mais... que -er... than More... than | ER para adjetivos até duas sílabas, more para os demais He is taller than you He is more intelligent than his dad. |
Formas irregulares
Bom: Good, Better, The Best
Mau: Bad, Worse, Rhe worst
Longe: Far, Farther, The farthest
Superioridade | O mais The –est The most | Est para adjetivos até duas sílabas, most para os demais She is the funniest person in class She is the most beatiful girl in town |
Pronomes Relativos
Termo antecedente | Função Sintática | Opções | Exemplos |
Pessoa | Sujeito | Who That |
Objeto | Whom Who That Omissão | 3. The man whom you are talking about is dead Who That --- 4. Edward II, Whom you are talking about, is dead. 5. Edward II, about whom you’re talking, is dead | |
Coisa | Sujeito | Which That | 6. the book which is a Best seller is good that |
Obejto | Which That Omissão | 7. the book which I bought is good That 8. Estorvo, which I bought yesterday, is good |
Pronomes interrogativos
Fazendo perguntas
Português | Inglês | Exemplo |
O que | What | What does He do for a living? |
Qual | What (escolha aberta) Which (escolha fechada) | What is your name? Which do you prefer: the blue shirt or the Brown one? |
Onde | Where | Where do you live? |
Quem | Who (sujeito) Who (m) (objeto) | Who works for you? Who(m) did you see? |
Por que | Why | Why are you doing thisw |
Quando | When | When Will she come? |
Como | How | How do you say “quente” in English |
A que horas | What time | What time is the concert? |
De quem | Whose (posse) | Whose responsability is this? |
Expressão | Exemplo | Equivalência |
Wide = Que largura | How wide is the board? | What is the width? |
Old = quantos anos | How old are you? | What is your age |
Much = Quanto | How much is it? | What is the price? |
Many = Quantos | How many students came? | What was the number? |
Long = Há quanto tempo | How long have you been here? | How many years? |
Often = com que freqüência | How often do you go jogging | How many times? |
Tall = Que altura | How tall are you? | How is your height? |
Far = Que distância | How far is it? | What is the distance? |
Deep = Que profundidade | How deep is the river? | What is the depth? |
Long = que comprimento | How long is the room? | What is the length? |
Heavy = que peso | How heavy is the athlete? | What is his weight? |
Big = Que tamanho | How big is the school? | What is the size? |
What........ Like -> descrição física: What is your wife like?
Tall, blonde, blue-eyed.
What............for -> Motivo: What dis you do that for?
Because I had to.
Uso temporal e especial
In, on, at
Tempo | Espaço | |
IN | Meses do ano: in July Ano: In 1995 Unidades de tempo: In a Minute In two Hours In 3 days Partes do dia: In the morning In the afternoon In the evening | País: Brasil Cidade Grande: In Tokyo Posições definitivas: In prison In the desert |
ON | Dias da semana: On Tuesday Dias do mês: ON July 24th Dias de festa: on christmas Day | Fazenda: on a farm Ruas: on avenida paulista Prateleira, mesa: On the to shelf On the table TV: On TV |
AT | Horas: At 2 o’clock Noite: At night Períodos de festas: at christmas Fim: at the end | Endereço: at 4400 Avenida Paulista Cidades pequenas: At Santa Rita Posições temporárias: at work At school At the club Sequencia: at first, at last |
Sistema Verbal
Aspectos básicos
Afirmativa, Negativa e Interrogativa
- Há dois aspectos centrais para a estrutura da pergunta em inglês:
Inversão sujeito-verbo:
Are you Brazilian?
Can you speak English?
Will it happen again?
Uso de um auxiliar:
Did it go OK?
Does He know I’m here?
Quando inverte? |
- To be - Can - Could - Shall - Should - Will - Would - Must - May - Might |
Quais são os auxiliares? | |
Presente | Do ( I, you, we, they) Does (He, she, it) |
Passado | Did |
Passado + presente | Have ( I, you, we, they) Has (He, she, it) |
Futuro | Will |
Condicional | IF |
Passado Perfeito | Had |
O que é um auxiliar? | |
É uma forma verbal com a qual fazemos perguntas e negativas | |
Ex: Você fala português? | Do you speak portuguese? |
Ele trabalha aqui? | Does He work here? |
Ela viu o filme? | Did she see the film? |
Ele vai viajar? | Will He travel? |
Há apenas em modo de construir a negativa verbal em inglês -> not
Negativa | |
Do not | Don’t |
Does not | Doesn’t |
Did not | Didn’t |
Can not | Can’t |
Will not | Won’t |
Are not | Aren’t |
Is not | Isn’t |
Have not | Haven’t |
Has not | Hasn’t |
Had not | Hadn’t |
He doesn’t know
She won’t accept
Is isn’t here
You aren’t there
She hasn’t seen it
- há dois tipos de verbos no passado:
Acrescenta-se ED
Talk – Talked, Talked
Stop – stopped, stopped
Formas múltiplas:
Speak – Spoke, spoken
Fly – Flew, Flown
Go – Went, gone
See – Saw, seen
Be – Was/ were, been
Os principais irregulares
Tradução | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Dirigir, guiar | Drive | Drove | Driven |
Fazer | Do | Did | Done |
Ir | Go | Went | Gone |
Esconder | Hide | Hid | Hidden |
Quebrar | Break | Broke | Broken |
Escolher | Choose | Chose | Chosen |
Esquecer | Forget | Forgot | Forgotten |
Congelar | Freeze | Froze | Frozen |
Falar | Speak | Spoke | Spoken |
Furtat | Steal | Stole | Stolen |
Rasgar | Tear | Tore | Torn |
Vestir | Wear | Wore | Worn |
Começar | Begin | Began | Begun |
Beber | Drink | Drank | Drunk |
Soar, Tocar (campainha) | Ring | Rang | Rung |
Afundar | Sink | Sank | Sunk |
Nadar | Swin | swan | Swun |
Bater, Vencer | Beat | Beat | Beat |
Soprar, ventar | Blow | Blew | Blown |
Comer | Eat | Ate | Eaten |
Cair | Fall | fell | Fallen |
Dar | Give | Gave | Given |
Crescer | Grow | Grew | Grown |
Saber | Know | Knew | Known |
Ver | See | Saw | Seen |
Sacudir, Balançar | Shake | Shook | Shaken |
Pegar, tomar | Take | Took | Taken |
Arremessar, lançar | Throw | Threw | Thrown |
Sangrar | Bleed | Bled | Bled |
Trazer | Bring | Brought | Brought |
Construir | Build | built | Built |
Queimar | Burn | Burnt | Burnt |
Comprar | Buy | Bought | Bought |
Pegar, apanhar | Catch | caught | Caught |
Alimentar | Feed | Fed | Fed |
Sentir | fell | felt | Felt |
Lutar, combater | Fight | Fought | Fought |
Encontrar, descobrir | Find | Found | Found |
Pegar, ganhar | Get | got | Got (gotten) |
Ter, possuir | Have | Had | Had |
Ouvir | Hear | Heard | Heard |
Guardar | Keep | Kept | Kept |
Sistema de conjugação
O presente, os passados, os futuros
Presente | |||||
Afirmativo | Interrogativo | Negativo | |||
I | Speak | I | Do Speak | I | Don’t Speak |
You | You | You | |||
We | We | We | |||
They | They | They | |||
He | Speaks | He | Does Speak | He | Doesn’t speak |
She | She | She | |||
It | It | It |
Passado | ||
Afirmativo | Interrogativo | Negativo |
Sujeito Spoke | Did Sujeito Speak | Sujeito Didn’t speak |
Futuro | ||
Afirmativo | Interrogativo | Negativo |
Sujeito Will Speak | Will Sujeito speak | Sujeito Won’t speak |
Os termos Contínuos
Afirmativo | Interrogativo | Negativo |
You are speaking | Are you speaking? | You aren’t speaking |
She was speaking | Was she speaking? | She wasn’t speaking |
Uso dos tempos verbais
Palavras – chave
Tempo | Uso | Palavras - chave | Exemplos |
Simple Present | Ação habitual | Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, every, once, twice. | He has tennis lessons twice a week |
Present Continuous | Ação ocorrendo no momneto da fala | Now, at this moment Look! Listen! | Look! He is crossing the street |
Present Perfect | Ação ocorrida em um momento indefinido no passado | Já = already Ainda – yet Alguma vez = ever Nunca = never Acabar de = just | He Has already seen this film They ahven’t understood is yet |
Present perfect continuous | Ação que começa no passado e vem até o presente | Faz = for Desde = since | He has been living here for 6 months He has been teaching here since february |
Simple Past | Ação ocorrida em um momento conhecido do passado | Yesterday Last Ago | I saw a good film yesterday She went to the USA last year |
Past Continuous | Ação longa no passada normalmente interrompida | When While as | As I was arriving home, the fone rang |
Past Perfect | Ação passada no passado antes de outro marco passado | After before | The war finished after the countries had come to na agreement |
Futuro | Ação futura | Tomorrow/next | I Will be off tomorrow |
Condicional | Ação hipotética | IF, Unless + simple past | I would go IF I had money |
Verbos Modais ou defectivos
Atenuando posições
Uso de can, may etc.
Os verbos defectivos apresentam defeitos:
- não possuem S na 3ª pessoa do singular
- Não aceitam preposição to
- não tem forma passada ou futura
- são auto- suficientes para fazer interrogativa, bastando a inversão
Há ainda duas expressões importantes:
Preferiria -> would rather I would rather de sailing
Seria melhor -> Had better had better you’d better go.
Presente | Passado | Futuro | Funções | Tradução | Exemplos |
Can | Was Were able to | Will be able to | Capacidade física, intelectual | Saber, conseguir | Can you play volley? |
- | - | Permissão informal | Poder | Can you use your phone? | |
- | - | Possibilidade | Poder | This can’t be true | |
May | Was Were allowed to | Will be allowed to | Permissão formal | Poder | May I speak now? |
- | - | Possibilidade provável | Poder | It may happen | |
Might | - | - | Possibilidade remota | Pode ser que | It might happen |
Must | Had to | Will have to | Obrigação necessidade | Ter que, dever | It must go now |
- | - | Conclusão lógica | Só pode ser | She must be crazy | |
Should / ought to | - | - | Proibição | Não pode | You mustn’t enter this área |
- | - | Conselho | Deveria | You should see a doctor |
Linguagem argumentativa
Usando conectores para coesão verbal
Uso de too, also, either, neither
Palavra | Uso | Tradução | Exemplo |
Also | Afirmativas, antes do verbo principal | Também | I also like him |
Too | Final de afirmativas | Também | I like him too |
Antes de adjetivos/advérbios | Demais | Too late! | |
Either | Final de negativas | Também | I don’t know either |
Afirmativas | Ou | Either wine or beer | |
Neither | Afirmativas | Nem | Drink neither wine or beer |
Outros conectores importantes
Função | Conector |
Adversativa | But, yet, however, nevertheless, despite, in spite of, althought, thought |
Causal | Because, because of, due to, owing to, for |
Aditiva | And, as well, moreover, futhermore, in addition |
Exemplificativa | For exaple, for instance |
Conclusiva | So, therefore, then, thus |
Narratativa | Then, once |
Enfática | Indeed, actually, quite |
Transformações verbais
Falando do objeto e reproduzindo opiniões de outras pessoas
Voz ativa e passiva: discurso direto e indireto
- na voz passiva, tanto em inglês como em português, há uma equação básica:
Tempo do verbo Tempo do verbo auxiliar ser (to be) na Principal na ativa = passiva + particípio passado |
Cardinal and Ordinal numbers
1 – one
2 – two
3 – three
4 – four
5 – Five
6 – six
7 – seven
8 – eight
9 – nine
10- ten
11- eleven
12 – twelve
13 – thirteen
14 – fourteen
15 – fifteen
16 – sixteen
17 – seventeen
18 – eighteen
19 – nineteen
20- twenty
21 – twenty one
22 – twenty two
23 – twenty three
24 – twenty four
25 – twenty Five
26 – twenty six
27 – twenty seven
28 – twenty eight
29 – twenty nine
30 – thirty
31 – thirty one
40 – forty
41 – forty one
50 – fifty
51 – fifty one
60 – sixty
61 – sixty one
70 – seventy
71 – seventy one
80 – eighty
81 – eighty one
90 – ninety
91 – ninety one
100 – one houndred
1.000 – one thousand
2 nd second
3 rd third
4 th fourth
5 th fifth
6 th sixth
7 th seventh
8 th eighth
9 th ninth
10 th tenth
11 th eleventh
12 th twelfth
13 th thirteenth
14 th fourteenth
15 th fifteenth
16 th sixteenth
17 th seventeenth
18 th eighteenth
19 th nineteenth
20 th twentieth
21 th twenty one
30 th thirtieth
40 th fortieth
50 th fiftieth
60 th sixtieth
70 th seventieth
80 th eightieth
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